Wednesday, August 31, 2011

September must be his month.

Jim McCoy and Matt Hahn
What other doctor do you know that not only is recognized by his peers (2005 - Maryland Family Physician of the Year, 2006- finalist for American Family Physician of the Year), loved by his patients, and also gets inducted to TWO Hall of Fames in one month (and have both of them announced on the same page of the Morgan Messenger).

Dr. Matthew Hahn will be inducted into the Troubadour's West Virginia Country Music Hall of Fame this Sunday afternoon, during the Troubadour's famous Patsy Cline celebration. Come on out and enjoy the day and cheer for Dr Hahn! The afternoon is free, full of great LIVE music, and food. Bring a covered dish, the Troubadour supplies the meat. If you weren't aware, Dr. Hahn recorded a CD of Jim McCoy's music in 2007, "The Real McCoy." You may have seen him around town, performing this beautiful, old-style country music wearing Jim McCoy's original red sequinned suit.

Jeanne Mozier (the Voice of the Festival) and Matt Hahn
Then on Wednesday, September 21st, he will receive the honor of becoming an Apple Butter Festival Hall of Fame inductee for his work as MC of the Hog Calling Contest. If you haven't been to the Hog Calling contest, held the Sunday of the Apple Butter Festival, you've been missing out. People come from all around with their lively versions of hog-calls, co MC-ed by Dr Hahn and Jeanne Mozier.

Congratulations, Matt!

1 comment:

  1. Great doctor and great member of the community!
