More and more meals are being eaten outside of the home these days. In fact, the typical American consumer now is almost as likely to spend just as many dollars on food away from home as on food prepared at home. The fact that the obesity rate is climbing just as fast as the rate of dining out may or may not be linked; regardless, it's even more important that you scrutinize your choices when dining out. When you're eating at a restaurant, you are much more likely to make impulsive, unhealthy choices than when you're carefully planning your family's menu at home. You're not always sure about what undesirable ingredients, or method of preparation, has gone into an entree when you order from a restaurant. So here are some simple rules of thumb to keep you on track while dining out:
- First and foremost, order small! I love Five Guys but their regular burger is just way too big. So I order a Little Burger, which still packs 480 calories (vs the regular, which clocks 700).
- One of my favorite ideas comes from my mother and her beau, Dan. Instead of ordering two big entrees, they order one to split, sometimes with appetizers or a salad to round out the meal. My family also really enjoys sharing a dessert.
- If you're dining by yourself, or your dining partner doesn't want to share an entree, have the waiter box half your entree right away. You can have it for lunch the next day.
- A little advanced planning can go a long way. If you're eagerly anticipating a date night, but you're concerned about overeating, try going to the restaurant's website and check out the fare beforehand. You can plan a few healthy choices instead of being overwhelmed when you get there.
- Start with a salad and send the bread basket away. The vegetables will tell your belly it's getting full, but it'll be full of vitamins instead of relatively empty simple carbs. Always order dressing on the side.
- If you're choosing alcoholic beverages for your celebration, remember that 1 gram of alcohol has 7 calories! Mixers usually have a lot of sugar so be careful when considering a mixed drink. A glass of wine or a light beer are better choices because you know exactly what's in them. Also remember that alcohol in general lowers your inhibitions, and those inhibitions could include a bad decision about bingeing on something you wouldn't normally consider. Check out this article on WebMd for more.
- And always, always, always, allow yourself to indulge now and then! Indulging in a favorite delicious meal with good friends or family is a wonderful way to celebrate a special event. Restricting yourself too much is just going to make you feel deprived and could lead to bingeing later. And sometimes it really does make sense to eat dessert first!
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