Monday, March 7, 2011

New Blog Features!

Ok, it's been so long since I've been posting regularly that I've guilted myself into ramping up the blog overall. I've decided to schedule a different feature for every day of the week. Here's what I'd like to do:
Monday: Recipe day
Tuesday: Fitness tip day
Wednesday: Health tip
Thursday: Free for all!
Friday: I've been using the Biggest Loser program on my Wii. I'll provide an update on how this is working for me. It'll be my personal workout journal that you can follow along. Maybe you've been thinking of using an interactive program like this, or maybe you already are. We can share information about how useful programs like these are.

How's that sound?

And, since this is Recipe Day, let me start off with something simple but healthy that I did for lunch today. I was working at home today and realized I hadn't been to the grocery store lately. What to do? I reached into the freezer and pulled out a box of the Green Giant Healthy Heart vegetables. I popped a potato into the microwave (after pricking it with a fork) and let it cook. Took it out, popped in the vegetables for a minute or two, and poured them over the potato. It was delicious and filling! Best of all, it was healthy and I was back to work in 5 minutes.

Fresh vegetables taste best, but it's good to keep some options in your freezer for those times you just can't get to the store. When I shop, which I try to do only once a week or every 10 days, I plan my menus so that I can use all fresh vegetables/fruits in the early part of the shopping cycle, and then use canned/frozen vegetables later. So I might have my fresh salads and steamed fresh veggies early in the week, and then chili with canned beans, or soups with longer-lasting vegetables like carrots and potatoes later in the week. That way I use everything up before it spoils.

OK, tomorrow it's fitness tips! In the meantime, if you have a favorite healthy recipe, send it to me at and maybe I'll feature it here!

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